Friday, December 28, 2012

Carousel Horses, and Creativity

I've been resting quite a bit lately.  After all, it's the holiday season:  I like to use it as a time to relax with family, refresh my body and spirit, and think about my goals for the new year....We had a lovely and unexpected white Christmas, which allowed me the opportunity to take some pictures of the local landscape blanketed with snow. I feel good about my progress and, during the last few weeks, I've been working on a new topic:  carousel horses.  I want to play with textures here, and I still have a long way to go before this painting is complete and I've captured the hard and reflective quality of the horses, the softness of the feathers and the diffuse nature of the background.  I'll post more about this painting as it's completed.  Meanwhile, I'm attempting to remember to keep as much "irregularity" in my work here as I can:  I am attempting to develop as much irregularity as I can in  the shapes, the values, the colors, and in the lines.  I'm using granulating paints, too, which will add to the irregularity of value and color.

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