Friday, October 26, 2012

Life: It's Just Tough

So, I found out that my webmaster, Don Trenary, passed away on Sunday, October 21, 2012.  I'm so sad for his family.  He leaves behind a wife, a son, and his elderly mother.  It was quite a shock to find out about this; Don was in his mid 50's.  I send my deepest sympathy to Don and his family.

Meanwhile, I'm having trouble logging on to my website to make needed changes.  This is bad.  I hope I can figure it all out!  Folks, if you have trouble with my website, or don't see updates, there's a reason!

My exhibit for ArtSquare is complete, and I'm in the midst of framing the paintings now.  This group of paintings is, so far, my very best.  It's the culmination of months of work, and weeks of frustration, when many paintings just were not turning out.  So, I hope that customers, friends and fellow artists will enjoy the show and understand that a lot of work happens before an exhibit like this is hung.

Thanks to Don for his help throughout the years, and thanks to my students for their constant encouragement.

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